Friday, August 7, 2009

Ive Arrived!!

I am happy to inform that I have finally arrived in Germany, safely and happily...

my flight left at 9:30pm and arrived at 11:30am...

my hostfamily, the hornetz', were there to great me with a poster reading "Wilkommen Marissa!" after a three-hour drive back to Hiddesen, Detmold, i was shown around the house, which is absolutely beautiful with a really nice garden and lots of glass windows.. they even have solar panels on the roof that produce energy for the whole family and then they sell it to others, as well as produce hot water for the family (not drinking water), I unpacked my suitcases and set up my laptop and the rest of my stuff.

Im really tired from jet lag, and even though it's only 8pm here, im gonna crash soon, can you believe it's 90F here? Though, apparently, its not usual, and shouldn't last much longer. good, because its soo hot its uncomfortable, and they dont have airconditioning in most places in europe, unlike the States. my internet connection is not cooperating right now, so I cant upload pictures with this post, though Ill try again later, and if not, Ill send them out in an email. Im fine, happy, safe, and tired. Love you all! xoxoxox especially my Lani.


bugba said...

Hi Marissa
We are so pleased your flight was good and all went according to plans. Where did you go today and are you still sleepy. Beautiful day at home 80F going to 90F. Lani is good ALL IS WELL. Have fun Relax and enjoy every moment. LOVe MOM

bugba said...

Hi marissa So happy you had a great flight and arrived safe and sound. Your host family seems great. Miss you already. Lani is good. LOve LOve YOU. MOM

bugba said...

Hi LOve the photos are they out of your window the room you are staying in?