Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello after three weeks in Germany!

hey, sorry its taken me soo long to post again. ive been busy, with school starting and everything. schools really different here, ill put up my schedule so you can see it! school starts at 7:40 and ends whenever your lessons end!

monday- english, english, biology, biology (but i might drop that, cause ive already taken it and it really boring), art, Philosophie, and Spanish- i end at 2

Tuesday- spanish, spanish, history history, physic, german, and sport- i end at 2:50 because of sport, its an hour and a half

wednesday- philosophie, philosophie, nothing, nothing, math, and biology, i end at 1,

thursday- art, art, phisics, physics, history, and spanish, i end at 1

friday- german, german, math, math, english- i end at 12

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